I sat at the kitchen table while Tot watched Sponge Bob. Clearing my head as he is just getting over a cold and feeling sick. Anyway, I was on Pinterest - browsing and pinning inspiring pins and making it a point of not thinking. I stumbled on Holocaust pins. I have always felt a connection to the Holocaust. I've read and collect several books that are so heart wrenching and inspiring. I started to feel guilty at having this connection with them - the survivors. Then I started to really think about it. It's so easy for the human spirit to be ripped apart, shredded, and nearly deleted. I looked at my own spirit's journey and how long it took to finally find her after finding escape and safety. I looked at the isolation I surrounded myself in and sometimes fall back on like a warm blanket on a cold, dark night. I looked at the mental, spiritual, and psychological effects left over. I looked even closer at the psychosomatic physical effects the mental and verbal abuse had on my body; effects I'm still healing from. It took no time at all for any of it to take place and start showing its ugly effects.
As my journey is about to gloriously come to a close, there are those that are just starting. Some will never find the courage to begin and others won't even have that option as their life is ultimately deleted. I think about my ex moving on after having found his next victim. She won't listen to me even if I tried valiantly to explain my experience. I just pray that by some stroke of luck she stumbles on the idea of investigating me. I pray she Google's my name and reads my blog. I pray, on that day, she decides not to be a victim.
Sometimes I do travel back. Not as far in as to cause myself spiritual harm - just far enough to remind myself how far I've come; how much I overcame to get to this point. The only way domestic violence will end is if the survivors continue to shed light on the subject. So today I pray. And sit in quiet reflection.
Thank you, Miss Jennifer. It's all coming around full-circle. Appreciating the healing process has been important to me. That, and speaking out. It's all part of it. Thank you for reading and appreciating this intricate process :)