Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bella, Bella

Perfect ringlet pigtails.
With brown eyes
& flicks of gold speckled
all around them.  Perpetual
smile. Beautiful child.
Hands reaching up.  Buttercup.
Wrapping her skinny arms
'round my neck; 'round my heart.
Pointing to the door she says,
"Take me home."
Oh, my sweet.  I would if I could.
All I can do is kiss your
rosy cheek; replace your tears
with the same bright smile you
greeted me with. 
I apologize for the mama that
abandoned you.  I apologize for the
daddy that searches for his chosen poison
instead of searching for the perfect teddy
bear or hug to comfort you with.

Bella, Bella
Don't you cry
Bella, Bella
There's never really
a goodbye
I'll see you tomorrow
No 2yr old
should know sorrow


  1. Very beautiful and touching. 2 years old girl really shouldn't know about sorrow.

  2. It breaks my heart but her Aunt is now taking care of her. I just found it so heartbreaking that she would choose to go with a stranger and leave her 2 younger siblings behind. I pray for her. Her Aunt seems so caring...I can only pray
