Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Soldier Girl

but not so quietly
The door closes
and darkness descends
Into the trenches
I begin again

I'm planning
I'm scheming
Damn well better believe
I'm dreaming

Through the fog
you'll see me
Shining sword
Shining smile smiling

I trained hard in the mud
And at the end of my day
you're just another cow
chewing his cud

I have no
tender underbelly
None you'll ever see
I've the thick skin
of a warrior
hell bent against
your blasted sin

I'm the little soldier girl
remember me
Matters not if you've forgotten
I'm going to take you back to class
and make you see


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, dear Kristy. Coming from a fellow poetess, that is truly humbling
