Saturday, April 12, 2014

Dancing in the No

     I didn't have time to listen to his request; his trumped up lies.  I sent out my own quick-fire texted answer of "no" as fast as a Pop-Tart popping up out of a toaster.  I laughed and danced and went about my day.  Of course he sent his slanderous answer back--as I knew he would.  I deleted the text and turned up the music.  I have not the time to bend to his will.  I have not the time to get lost in the darkness.  My life beautifully filling up and much, much too sunny now.  My "no" was immediate; automatic and unbending.  And did it ever feel good.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I did feel like a warrior! Tomahawk squaw dancing around my proverbial fire ;)
