Friday, May 16, 2014

Dedicated Highway

It's a lonely stretch of highway
A sign baring the sisters' names
My mind bending to them
Moments leading up to the crash
Laughing, I'm sure
After a day with family & friends
Listening to their favorite tune
Life in their safe cocoon
All clear in front
No warning from behind

The highway for 4 miles
Shut down on both sides
Hours spent
Relaying the message to
Parents caught unaware
No words can express
That kind of deadly share
Car unrecognizable

18 years
13 years
Wiped away
The only survivor of that crash
Dropped his cell phone
Of the important call
That needed to be made
While driving
That lonely stretch of road
That day
At that time.

*Dedicated to Jessica & Kelli Uhl.  Their last day on earth on IL interstate 64 the day after Thanksgiving 2007.


  1. Beautifully written. We all need to put down those phones while driving !! (or use the hands free bluetooth) Thanks for the reminder !

    1. It was a startling reminder for me and I refuse to talk on my cell phone while driving. I've done it in the past and it is soo distracting. Thank you for reading my posts! Sorry for the delayed response. I go from 0 - 60 in my life in no time flat, apparently! All is good, though ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry for the late response, Kristy! My new contract job has struck a vain and I've been super busy these last 2 weeks. Thank you so much. Yes. It's a very sad story. Sad and very true.
