Tuesday, February 4, 2014

No Easy Way

The easy way would be to fall right back into some heartless relationship - or worst - an abusive relationship.  It's so easy.  I have been surrounded by dysfunction my whole life.  I know it like the back of my hand.  What I don't completely know, is a normal relationship.  Just what is normal, anyway? I'm far from normal.  I talk to myself as I write my poems and laugh at my own outrageous jokes.  To me, that's completely normal.  But I'm straying from my original post's point, here, so let me gather you in again.  Survivors must be very careful not to fall into the pattern that nearly killed them in the first place.  "Known" seems comfortable but it's the unknown we should seek.  There is no easy way.  It's work.  Work is good, though, if you're willing to find out who you are and what you like.  You all ready know what you don't like in a relationship.  At least that part is done and over with.  So.  Take a deep breath.  Relax.  Find out who you really are and enjoy the journey.  Time does heal.